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Migrate content and users from Joomla! 1.5 to 2.5 via J2XML.

Install J2XML for Joomla! 1.5

  1. Download the latest version of J2XML v{arslatest release J2XML 1.5}. Save the file on your computer.
  2. Navigate to the admin login page for your Joomla! 1.5 website. Log in with your administrator username and password.
  3. Open Extension Manager. Click Browse, then navigate to the folder where you downloaded J2XML 1.5. Highlight the file com_j2xml-1.5.x.xx.zip, then click Open.
    Click Extensions -> Install/Uninstall
  4. Click Upload File & Install. Wait for Joomla to upload and install the component.

Export users and articles

  1. Launch J2XML
    Click Components -> J2XML -> Control Panel
  2. Export the structure. The first XML file will be created to store the sections/categories data.
    Click Export Structure
  3. Export users. An XML file will be created to store the users data.
    Click Export Users
  4. Export the first block of articles. An XML file will be created to store the first block  fo articles.
    Click Export Block 1
  5. Repeat the point 4 for every block. Each block has 1000 articles. If you have problems you can change the block size from Parameters page.

Install J2XML for Joomla! 2.5

  1. Download the latest version of J2XML 3.2. Save the file on your computer.
  2. Download the latest version of J2XML Importer 1.5 v{arslatest release J2XML Importer 1.5}. Save the file on your computer.
  3. Navigate to the admin login page for your Joomla! 2.5 website. Log in with your administrator username and password.
  4. Open Extension Manager. Click Browse, then navigate to the folder where you downloaded J2XML 3. Highlight the file j2xml-3.x.x, then click Open.
    Click Extensions -> Extension Manager
  5. Click Upload & Install. Wait for Joomla to upload and install the component.
  6. Click Browse, then navigate to the folder where you downloaded J2XML Importer 1.5. Highlight the file plg_j2xml_importer15-3.x.x.zip, then click Open.
  7. Click Upload & Install. Wait for Joomla to upload and install the plugin.
  8. Open Plugin Manager. Filter by name J2XML and enable the plugin J2XML Importer 1.5
    Click status icon to enable the plugin


J2XML Importer 1.5 uses the XSL extension. If you have any problems visit the page PHP: XSL Manual.

Prepare Joomla! 2.5 to keep the ids.

  1. Launch J2XML
    Click Components -> J2XML
  2. Click Options. Select Content tab and set Keep ids to yes.
    Set keep ids on
  3. Select Users tab and set Keep ids to yes.

Import Users and Content

  1. Click Browse, then navigate to the folder where you saved the xml file with the users data. Highlight the file, then click Open.
  2. Click Import. Wait for J2XML Importer to upload and import the data.
  3. Click ImportRepeat the procedure to import users.
  4. Repeat until all files have been imported.
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