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The System - Syslog plug-in extends the Joomla logging giving you the ability to log RFC 3164 compliant messages to multiple remote syslog servers as well as the logging facility of your web server's operating system.


  • Log categories:
    A comma separated list of log categories to include. Common log categories include but are not limited to: database, databasequery, database-error, deprecated and jerror. If empty, all categories will be shown.
  • Log Category ModeInclude|Exclude.
  • Log priorities:
    Select the log priority levels to display.
  • Syslog: Local|Remote|Both
    Choose whether the messages will be sent to the local syslog or remote syslog server or both.
  • Facility
    The facility that generated messages.
  • Hostname
    The hostname or ip of the syslog server.
  • Port
    The udp port on which the deamon syslog is listening.
  • Ident
    Choose whether the string ident will be added to each message.
  • PID
    Choose whether the PID will be included with each message.


  • login failure
    <37>Apr 18 19:00:00 www.eshiol.it Joomla_Platform: [plg_user_log] Username and password do not match or you do not have an account yet. for admin from x.x.x.x
  • login
    <38>Apr 18 19:00:00 www.eshiol.it Joomla_Platform: [plg_user_log] Login successful for admin from x.x.x.x
  • logout
    <38>Apr 18 19:00:00 www.eshiol.it Joomla_Platform: [plg_user_log] Logout successful for admin from x.x.x.x


System - Syslog Plugin 3.8 alpha 1

Type: application/zip

Size: 9.55 KiB

Last updated 2022-04-23 13:47:43

 Remember that this is an alpha version and should not be used for production sites. It is intended for evaluation and testing purposes only and not for commercial use.

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