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Since version 2.5 Joomla allows you to set the image of the intro text and the image of the full article.

This plugin allows you to automatically use the first image of the intro text as the image of intro text, and the first image of the full text or the intro text as the image of the full article when saving the single article.

You can also set the fields caption, alternative text and image float for each one.


  • Set the intro image and the full article image to articles when saving it.
  • Language files for en-GB and it-IT included.
  • Released under GNU/GPL v3 license.


  • Intro Image:
    • None, do not set the intro image;
    • 1st intro text image, set the first image of the intro text.
  • Image Float: (Use Global/Right/Left/None) set the float attribute for this image.
  • Alt text: set the alt attribute for the this image.
  • Caption: create a caption for the this image (using the title attribute).

  • Full article image:
    • None, do not set the intro image;
    • 1st intro text image, set the first image of the intro text;
    • 1st full or intro text image, set the first image of the full text if exists, otherwise set the first image of the intro text;
    • 1st full text image, set the first image of the full text.
  • Image Float: (Use Global/Right/Left/None) set the float attribute for this image.
  • Alt text: set the alt attribute for the this image.
  • Caption: create a caption for the this image (using the title attribute).
  • Force: (No/Yes) use the intro image if the full article image is empty.

  • Remove empty paragraphs: remove empty paragraph tags <p></p>.


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