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J2XML 3.9 is the ultimate solution for sharing your content between Joomla! 3 and Joomla! 4

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HTML Importer for J2XML is on the go!

Visite: 15080

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J2XML 3.3 is the ultimate solution to import/export content in Joomla! 3

This version is discontinued and no longer maintained by the core team, please move to J2XML 3.7 for Joomla 3.x.

Visite: 11486

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J2XML ha da sempre permesso l'import degli utenti mediante un file xml, in formato j2xml, di non semplice compilazione nei casi di import massivo. Da oggi sarà possibile importare gli utenti in Joomla! grazie ad un file CSV, grazie a Users Importer for J2XML.

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