Hits: 11722

User Rating: 0 / 5

Export/import attachments related to articles!

Hits: 9395

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML Wordpress Importer plugin v3.2.16 is out. This is a maintenance release.


  • improved compatibility

Hits: 9795

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML Wordpress Importer plugin v3.2.15 is out. This is a maintenance release.


  • improved compatibility

Hits: 9353

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML Importer 1.5 plugin v3.2.21 is out. This is a maintenance release.


  • bug fixed: metadata

  • bug fixed:language

  • username 3.2 compatibility

Hits: 11610

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML 3.1.1 Stable is out. This is a maintenance release.

Change log

  • com_j2xml-3.1.117

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