Hits: 4007

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML 3.1 Stable is out. This is a maintenance release.

Change log

  • cli_j2xml-3.1.6
  • com_j2xml-3.1.115
  • lib_eshiol-14.2.10
  • lib_j2xml-14.3.237
  • plg_system_j2xml-3.1.30

Hits: 3674

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML Importer 1.5 plugin v3.1.17 is out. This is a maintenance release.

Bugs fixed

  • alias field

Hits: 4013

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML Wordpress Importer Plugin v3.1.10 is out. This is the first public release.

Hits: 3241

User Rating: 0 / 5

J2XML 3.1 Release Candidate 2 is out. This is a maintenance release.

Bugs fixed

  • import button
  • send button

Hits: 3288

User Rating: 0 / 5

Set Images Plugin v3.0.8 is out. This is a maintenance release.

Bugs fixed

  • Import or remove embedded images.
  • Import or remove external images.
  • Italian language.

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